Dishwasher / Glasswasher Repairs

Dishwasher / Glasswasher Repairs & Maintenance

Omega Technical Services repair, service, maintain and recondition glass washers / dishwashers in Wrexham, Chester and in the North West. The glasswasher / dishwasher is a very important and dependant piece of equipment in your kitchen. Often overlooked as to how important it really is until it breaks down which leaves you with a headache when it does.

Fortunately, Omega have a lot of experience in this field, we always carry out a cost effective repair wherever we can, we don’t believe in charging for and changing what doesn’t need to be changed. You can be confident that a full diagnosis and repair will be carried out by qualified Omega engineers. Experienced and trained repairing many major manufacturers equipment such as Winterhalter, Hobart, Meiko, Electrolux and many lesser known brands. It’s not only repairs that we offer, we can offer new and refurbished units, servicing contracts and also regular maintenance.

To back up our service, we can offer replacement glass washers / dishwashers on a temporary hire for minimal disruption meaning that you can carry on with your day while we take your unit away for a repair in our workshop. That way we’re not under your feet in your busy kitchen or behind the bar. For us, we get to carry out a full diagnosis and test of your machine, we have the space and extra tools needed for an effective repair and for you, you have the convenience of minimal disruption and continued service for your customers.

   "our extensive fully stocked warehouse"

With our no nonsense approach, we will tell you when a repair is no longer cost effective in our experience, this way you can decide whether its time to invest in new or carry on with the repair. Backed up with our internal service database, if the calls are regular to the same glasswasher / dishwashers, or even over a period of time, we can advise you exactly what the unit has already cost you and exactly what has previously been repaired, this can help you make an informed decision about how to proceed.

Sometimes taking a unit out of the kitchen is not a viable proposition, in these situations it is recommended that you take out a service contract so that regular maintenance is carried out and potential issues eradicated before they happen. Along with the service contract and depending on the age of the glasswasher / dishwashers, we would carry critical parts in stock meaning that a first time fix would be achievable. On a non service contract unit, a reactive repair is still possible, it might just take a day or so to source the spares for a particular glasswasher / dishwasher.

With our extensive fully stocked warehouse, and in critical situations we can offer some kind of solution, even if it means we fit a temporary used spare until the new one arrives, or install a loan machine, we are confident that the service we offer will out surpass our competition. Our focus is getting you back up and running as quickly as possible with minimum fuss, and as always, to budget!

Whatever your requirement, repair, refurb, maintenance or a service, if you want your appliance in good hands, give Omega a call on 0330 2233 137.

Some manufacturers equipment we service

Alpeninox Glasswashers

Winterhalter Dishwashers

Hobart Dishwashers

Clenaware Glasswashers

Chefquip Glasswashers

Fagor Dishwashers

Electrolux Glasswashers

Meiko Glasswashers

Smeg Glasswashers

Meiko Dishwasher

/Common Faults

1. Not using rinse aid or detergent, glasses not washing properly.

This could be your rinse or detergent pump seized, your rinse or detergent tubes punctured and sucking in air, blockage due to crystallisation (normally after changing chemical brands) or pump bladder worn down.

2. Dishwasher continually fills and floods.

This could be a number of things, solenoid valve is stuck open, pressure switch faulty or chamber blocked, drain pump not pumping excess water away after each cycle, drain blocked or boiler float switch faulty.

3. Glasses or Pots come out cold

You may have a faulty boiler element, a PCB issue, thermostat issue or it could even be a burnt out wire to one of the boiler elements. We recommend not to use the appliance until its been checked out to prevent further damage.


Dishwashers and Glasswashers are an asset to any company, this is often overlooked by many which leads to so many glass washers and dishwashers out of order when you need them most. A simple annual service could save you very expensive repair bills, sometimes what only seems to be the smallest problem, when ignored can lead to more costly repairs. Sometimes it takes an engineer to point out faults that have not been noticed, regularly our engineers ask landlords if customers have been complaining about flat beer, after being shown some simple tips and some do's and don'ts, landlords have noticed a much improved pint and have welcomed our engineers knowledge.

Omega recommend at least one service every 12 months to check over your appliance and give you a full report of our findings. We have plans to suit every business, a typical glasswasher service starts at just £75.00 + vat. Just because an appliance is under 2 years old, that doesn't mean it's still in tip top condition. To see what we can do for you, call us on 0330 2233 137.


Below are some downloadable guides that can help prevent a lot of problems associated with warewashing appliances. Feel free to print them off and educate your staff with the various procedures that you should already be following.

Glass Washer Maintenance

Liquid Renovate

Renovate Glassware - Instructions

Water Softeners BWT

Some of our customers

Chain Bridge Hotel
Rowan Foods

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Omega Technical Services (UK) Ltd